Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.
柯林斯例句We arrange its elements in ascending order, they are odd , even , odd , even , odd.
我们按其上升的顺序排列为奇、偶 、 奇 、 偶 、 奇.
辞典例句The data must be in ascending order.
互联网Arrange the following fractions in ascending order.
互联网The program sorts the numbers into ascending order.
互联网To sort in ascending order, click Sort Ascending.
若要按升序排序, 请单击“升序排序”.
互联网This Paper gives the Ascending Order Adjacency Matrix, and discribes its genera - ting process and application.
本文给出了升阶邻接矩阵, 并叙述了它的建立过程与用途.
互联网Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order by using a specified comparer.
互联网Organized in ascending order of complexity, the material is divided into two parts.
在复杂性的递升秩序方面组织, 材料被分成两个部分.
互联网The sort order for each field can be ascending order or descending order.
互联网Chang 8 is typical delta deposit which has reverse grain size order in ascending order.
互联网Drug resistance : G - bacterial were least resistant to cefaperazone ( 25.6 % ), followed by ofloxacin ( 28.7 % ), rifampicin ( 29.7 % ), and amikacin ( 68.7 % ) in ascending order.
细菌耐药: G - 菌对头胞哌啶耐药最低 ( 25.6% ), 其次依次为氧氟沙星 ( 28.7% ) 、 利福平(29.7% ) 、 丁胺卡那霉素 ( 68. 7% ).
互联网The numbers must be in the ascending order and separated with a space.
互联网And then sort the child nodes of each node in the ascending order using IComparer interface.
互联网A down arrow indicates descending order and an upward arrow indicates ascending order.
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